Foro UNESCO sobre patrimonio cultural
Reunión de trabajo sobre “Inventario de patrimonio inmaterial en la Comunidad valenciana”
Estancia en la Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Portugal
Conferencia: ” ‘Dar valor’ y ‘poner en valor’ “
«Desarrollo humano: teoría y aplicaciones»
«Patrimonio etnográfico en Hellín»
La cultura sentida. Homenaje al profesor Salvador Rodríguez Becerra
Lidiar con turistas. Reacciones europeas al turismo en masa
I Congreso internacional sobre “Patrimonio inmaterial” (Elche)
Joint doctorate programme on “Local and regional development” (SOCREG)
The research member of CULTURDES Dr. Antonio Miguel Nogués is invited speaker at international seminar in the frame of the Joint Doctorate Programme in Sociology of Regional and Local Development organized by Departament of Theory and Politics of Social Development of the Università degli Studi di Teramo (Italy) and the Departament of Sociology of the University of Zadar (Croacia), and to be held at the School of Political Sciences in the Campus di Coste Sant’Agostino (Teramo) from 4 through 6 October, where is delivering the lecture On the dialogical relations between culture, society and development in tourism contexts: the case of Spain.